Reclaimed Limiteds Update: More Wood On The Way!
Posted Aug 24, 2017
The Reclaimed Limiteds were announced in March 2017 as a limited order window. Admittedly, not even we were prepared for the overwhelming enthusiasm for these two new "reclaimed" offerings: the S2 Vela Semi-Hollow & CE 24 Semi-Hollow. Originally planned as a two month order window, just three days into our sales we hit the cap on our supply of this rare reclaimed Brazillian wood. If you're interested in where this wood comes from, and how we are working to get more of it, read on!
The idea for our "Reclaimed Limiteds" came from the mind of our longtime wood buyer, Michael Reid. Paul Reed Smith and Micahel Reid first began a working relationship in 1980, before the foundation of PRS Guitars as a company. Michael has a knack of finding the best woods for guitar making, and the "Reclaimed Limiteds" are just the latest in his search for beautiful tone woods around the world. Michael discovered the woods for the Reclaimed Limiteds in the remote Atlantic Forest Region of Brazil.

The Reclaimed Limiteds utilize two types of wood from this region: Peroba Rosa, often used as siding on old homes and rural farm buildings, and Brauna Preto, a strong hardwood used as support beams for the foundation of Brazilian homes. The woods we sourced for these limited models range between 75 - 150 years old!

The Reclaimed Limiteds use Peroba Rosa for the tops and Brauna Preto for the fingerboards. The incredible amount of orders for these instruments paired with our scarce supply of Brauna Preto has caused some delay in our production. If you are awaiting your order, we're happy to annouce that Michael has secured more Brauna Preto from Brazil and it's currently en route to our factory! Our plan is to ship all remaining orders by the end of the year. Check out his photos from the field below:

To hear these instruments being played and to learn more about the Reclaimed Limited project, check out the video below: