
Hudson Davis
Hudson Davis is an upcoming singer-songwriter and guitarist hailing from eastern Texas. Self-taught and inspired by greats like Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, and BB King, Hudson is a product of Houston’s rich blues-rock scene. He first picked up the guitar at age ten and began frequenting Houston’s many blues and jazz clubs, jamming and conversing for hours on end with professional musicians. On social media, Hudson’s passion for music has attracted over 175,000 followers from all over the world, with his videos amassing millions of views. Hudson is diving deeper into the worlds of songwriting and production to tell his story through a new lens, all while paying homage all those who have shaped him and continue to do so. His debut single "Burning Bed" was released on August 2nd of this year.
PRS: Historically, which guitarists would you say have had the biggest influence on your own playing?
Hudson: There are so many guitarists who have shaped me as a musician over the years, but if I had to name the ones who have left the most lasting impact on me, it would be firstly Nile Rodgers who instilled a feel and deep appreciation for rhythm when I just began playing. Then about 3 years into my guitar playing journey, my brother’s best high school friend exposed me to John Mayer, which was the gateway for my discovering Stevie Ray Vaughan, Eric Clapton, BB King, Carlos Santana and Eric Johnson whose influences are now dyed in the wool of my playing.
PRS: At what age did you begin playing the guitar, and do you currently play any other instruments?
Hudson: I began playing guitar at age 10, when I was just starting fourth grade, but long before that I took twice weekly piano lessons starting at age 5 with great family friend and Houston jazz pianist Tina Steele, who unbeknownst to me at the time would be the most important musical mentor of my life. After her passing when I was 9 years old, I stopped playing music altogether, until my brother inspired me to pick up the guitar at age 10. Mrs. Steele’s tutelage was the reason I was able to pick up music theory on the guitar so easily 5 years later.
I started playing piano regularly again about 5 years ago- when I was a junior in high school, and I try to play enough to keep the rust from setting in. This allows me to record my own piano/keys parts for my original music.

PRS: How did you initially encounter the PRS brand, and do you remember the first time you played one of our guitars?
Hudson: I was initially exposed to PRS when I was about 13 years old by the same friend of my brother who showed me John Mayer. We were at a Guitar Center, and he said “ya know, John Mayer just became a PRS Artist. I wonder if there are any PRS’s here you could try out”. We ended up finding a McCarty 594. I was still such a novice at the time, so I think a master crafted PRS felt a bit like punching above my weight class! And I probably plugged it into a $100 modeling amp or something too. It wasn’t until I got into Santana years later that I tried out a PRS again and fell in love with the Custom 24, McCarty, and ultimately the Silver Sky which I am now proud to play as my number one.
PRS: What do you love the most about PRS guitars?
Hudson: The thing I love the most about PRS is that their guitars are crafted to such a standard that they actually disappear in my hands. I know that every single bend, slide, run and pickup switch that I go for will not be impeded whatsoever by any technical aspect of the guitar - which then takes me out of the material world and into my spirit - which is my whole goal with playing music. So that’s my favorite thing - PRS guitars take me right into my spirit because everything about their guitars are crafted to such an incredible degree that you’re only left with what’s within.

PRS: Are there any new projects on the horizon that we should be keeping an eye and an ear out for?
Hudson: I am currently writing a debut EP as a singer-songwriter and guitarist, which should be coming out not too long from now, as well as continuing to make the most entertaining content I can for social media. My ultimate aspirations are definitely in the way of original music and touring.
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Photo credit: Harrison Davis @harrisongdavis