
Eric Friedman - Tremonti
Eric "Erock" Friedman is a blues-influenced guitarist and songwriter most widely known for his role as the rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist for the hard rock group, Tremonti. Eric has also served as a touring guitarist and session contributor for the multi-platinum band, Creed. He was also the lead guitarist for the bands Submersed and Daughters of Mara prior to the dissolution of both groups. In addition to his current duties with Tremonti, Eric is a member of the supergroup Projected, featuring Creed/Alter Bridge drummer Scott Phillips and John Connolly and Vinnie Hornsby of Sevendust.
PRS: You’ve collaborated with Mark Tremonti on multiple projects over the years, how did your working relationship with him begin?
ERIC: A short while after Mark & I met, we were playing a ton of guitar and making music together in some capacity seemed inevitable. He was very instrumental in getting my first major band Submersed on the map by helping us get a record deal & co-producing our debut album in the early 2000’s. A lot of people may not know that shortly after Creed disbanded in 2002, before Alter Bridge was formed, Mark was working on putting some songs together & I actually played drums on the demos for what eventually became One Day Remains.
PRS: Tremonti recently wrapped up a tour throughout western Europe, when can we count on seeing the band out on the road here in the States again?
ERIC: We had a blast out there & the fans were just as stoked as we were to be back in that setting again! It may be a while for another Tremonti US run as Alter Bridge is ramping up for their new release and getting ready to tour on that. Marching In Time is an album we are extremely proud of and unfortunately, we were one of the many bands effected by Covid restrictions while trying to tour on it. Hopefully this will all change soon!

PRS: Is the band currently working on material for a follow-up to your most recent album Marching In Time?
ERIC: One thing is for sure, the wheels are always in motion with anything involving Mark Tremonti! There is already a handful of riffs floating around for the next one. Also, I have just recently relocated from California to Florida so Mark & I will definitely be working on ideas when we are together!
PRS: What have been the primary guitars that you’ve been preforming and recording with lately?
ERIC: As a guitar player I tend to enjoy a wide variety of options when it comes to a guitar. Right now my favorite is the McCarty. I really enjoy the tones it offers and the coil tap is a major plus! On tour, I use a wide variety of the PRS line. Everything from a Tremonti to a Silver Sky, Vela, Baritone, and of course…the McCarty! With Creed, I also would use a private stock mandolin which is a blast to play! As a session player, I really enjoy the wide variety of tones I can get with the plethora of guitars in the PRS line. I’ve also had a chance to do some recording with a borrowed JA-15 and it is currently at the top of my list to get!

PRS: Outside of music, what are your primary interests?
ERIC: Disc Golf! I am an Innova sponsored player and compete in tournaments when I can. There’s something very fulfilling about getting outside in nature with friends and throwing discs into a basket. Tremonti even had some custom Marching In Time stamped discs made, which were an awesome merch item for us!